As you study the flight paths of the four 9-11 jets, consider this: The "hijackers" or "suicide pilots" were said to have shown "an incredible degree of organization or skill." If that is so, why did the suicide pilots use planes from Boston to hit the WTC? Hijacking planes from Kennedy or LaGuardia to hit New York targets soon after take-off -- before NORAD had a chance to react -- would be the obvious plan to anyone with common sense, let alone "skill." Likewise, skilled or organized suicide pilots would take a plane from National, Baltimore-Washington, or Dulles airports and hit the Pentagon soon after take off. Why meander all the way to Ohio? There was no reason, and the wasted time would endanger their mission. Remember, "real" suicide pilots would believe NORAD was on the job. Duh . . .
That is the fingerprint of a military/intelligence operation:
Military/intelligence operatives believe everyone is as stupid as they are. The
routes taken by the jets are just one more sign that there were no real "suicide
This image was originally coded in active Shockwave, cached at the bottom of this page.
As you watch all four planes move across the diagram (activated by arrow on bottom right), note the timing of the impacts. In reality, Flight 11 crashed at 8:45 a.m. Flight 175 crashed at 9:03 a.m., 18 minutes later. Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:40, 37 minutes after Flight 175 crashed. Then Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:37 a.m., 57 minutes after Flight 77 crashed. Those intervals are:
18 minutes between first and second crash (Flight 11 and Flight 175), In this animation, however, all the intervals are about equal with this exception: the interval between the first and second crashes is actually slightly longer than the other intervals. Thus the animation is perversely inaccurate. DO NOT USE THIS ANIMATION TO STUDY THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE PLANES OR PATH CROSSINGS. The most significant difference between this diagram and others published by Time and Newsweek is the path of Flight 77. Only USA Today shows the large hump, an unscheduled detour in West Virginia. Note that in the USA Today version of The Official Truth, Flight 77 does not cross into Ohio, as it does in the Time and Newsweek versions of The Official Truth. Note how far south USA Today's Flight 77 flew, compared to the route taken by Time and Newsweek's Flight 77.
Flight 175:
Now look at the path Flight 77 allegedly took close to the east coast. Flight
77 appeared to be headed for Baltimore, but radically altered its course southward to
approach the Pentagon from the north. This contrasts with Newsweek's
diagram (below) showing Flight 77 approaching the Pentagon from the west and
south. Damage to the Pentagon was in the west wall, as shown in the picture
inset at the bottom of the Time page. Flight 93: Flight 175: This map differs subtly but significantly in the other jet paths as well. The map credits the sources "AP, Flight Explorer, TIME Graphic")
Newsweek published this diagram in the September 24, 2001 issue, pg. 31.
Flight 77: Newsweek agrees with Time that Flight 77 crossed into Ohio and almost reached the Kentucky border before turning back. Thus both Newsweek and Time disagree with US Today on this point.
Flight 93:
Flight 175: Sources cited: FBI and Newsweek reporting To animate this image, click on one of the red arrows in the right column. If browser is unable to view this shockwave animation, please see the still image above. This animated Shockwave map is cached from the original source at USA Today.
As you watch all four planes move across the diagram (activated by arrow on bottom right), note the timing of the impacts. In reality, Flight 11 crashed at 8:45 a.m. Flight 175 crashed at 9:03 a.m., 18 minutes later. Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:40, 37 minutes after Flight 175 crashed. Then Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:37 a.m., 57 minutes after Flight 77 crashed. Those intervals are:
18 minutes between first and second crash (Flight 11 and Flight 175), In this animation, however, all the intervals are about equal with this exception: the interval between the first and second crashes is actually slightly longer than the other intervals. Thus the animation is perversely inaccurate. DO NOT USE THIS ANIMATION TO STUDY THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE PLANES OR PATH CROSSINGS. The most significant difference between this diagram and others published by Time and Newsweek is the path accorded to Flight 77. Only USA Today shows the large hump, an unscheduled detour in West Virginia. Note that in the USA Today version of The Official Truth, Flight 77 does not cross into Ohio, as it does in the Time and Newsweek versions of The Official Truth. Note how far south USA Today's Flight 77 flew, compared to the route taken by Time and Newsweek's Flight 77. |