FBI: Israel’s Attack Dog

A Fifth Column Operates Openly on US Soil

by Carol Valentine, June 17, 2002

Fifth column: "A clandestine subversive organization working within a given country to further an invading enemy’s military and political aims" (American Heritage Dictionary, 1976).

Unknown to most Americans, a foreign intelligence agency operates openly on American soil, with FBI collaboration.  The purpose of the agency is to identify American citizens who pose political threats to the interests of the foreign power.  The foreign agency gathers or invents dirt on the people who pose threats, and attempts to neutralize them, one way or another.

The name of that foreign intelligence agency or fifth column is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL).  The ADL is an Israeli/Jewish spy organization dedicated to the neutralization of those who oppose Zionist programs.

Let’s take a small step back in time and look at how the ADL operated on American soil when WW II broke out in Europe.

ADL’s Treasonous Policies

Walter Winchell was a famous news and gossip columnist whose heyday extended from the mid 1920s through the 1950s.  He was a descendant of a long line of Jewish rabbis and cantors; the original family name was "Weinschel," which in Yiddish meant "sour cherries."  While many Americans want to avoid another bloody war in Europe, Winchell was a dedicated Zionist and friend of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and J. Edgar Hoover.  He wanted the US to enter World War II.  Claiming he was a patriotic American, Winchell smeared those opposed to intervention as Nazi collaborators, anti-Semites, and racists.

Here was Winchell’s strategy for securing winning support for Zionist goals.

To Walter, isolationism had now become unconscionable, a form of treason.  He was determined to prove that the isolationists were not, as they claimed, patriotic Americans who happened to hold a different point of view from his own; they were Nazi collaborators, anti-Semites, and racists who cared far less about saving American lives than about ensuring Hitler’s victory …

Every week brought new charges from Walter linking the radical right to Nazi Germany, but Walter’s prime source was not, as most assumed, the FBI; in fact, he was one if its [the FBI’s] prime sources, channeling hundreds of documents about Nazi groups to the bureau both before and during the war.  Rather, Walter’s most important source was Arnold Forster [ne Fastenberg], the young basso-voiced attorney who, at the time he met Walter early in 1941, was New York counsel for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith.

When it came to the radical right, Forster had one of the best intelligence-gathering operations in the country, with spies everywhere …

Occasionally Forster himself drafted whole columns for Walter … (Gabler 294-295)

So the ADL fed allegations to Walter Winchell and Winchell fed them to the FBI.  And then Winchell represented that the allegations were founded on FBI research.  A "Nazi" group was any group that did not agree with Jewish/Zionist goals.  So at least by the 1940s, the ADL was using the FBI as its cat's paw.  ADL was targeting loyal Americans who put America first, and reporting them to the FBI, via Winchell, as enemies of America and subversives.  Simultaneously, Winchell smeared his targets before the American public, ruining them by accusation.

Later, after WW II had ended, Winchell beat the drums for the establishment of the state of Israel on Palestinian lands.  James Forrestal, US Secretary of Defense under Harry S. Truman, was adamantly opposed to this.  Winchell and his colleague Drew Pearson started an intense campaign of media vilification against Forrestal.  Eventually Israel was recognized and Forrestal was ousted.  He became "depressed," was admitted to the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he allegedly committed "suicide" by jumping out of a 16 story hospital window. Even today, controversy surrounds the circumstances of Forrestal's death (Turley).

With Forrestal out of the way, a formidable opponent to the Zionism was eliminated for once and for all.

As already mentioned, Winchell was an intimate of J. Edgar Hoover.  The friendship stretched over decades.  One wonders whether the basis of this alleged friendship was blackmail material supplied to Winchell by the ADL.  Blackmail is a very useful tool in the manipulation of public figures.  With its vast and powerful spy network, it is not unreasonable to assume the ADL had blackmail material on cross-dresser Hoover.  Winchell introduced Hoover to the Stork Club and the night clubbing life in New York.  One wonders if Winchell encouraged Hoover to participate in other activities that would compromise him.  Winchell had attempted to get a commission in Naval Intelligence, but his application was rejected.  Hoover put pressure on Naval Intelligence, and Winchell was accepted as a lieutenant (Gabler 197, 220).

Israeli "In-Your-Face" Covert Action

Now let's leave the 1940s and move up to present time.  These excerpts have been taken from Counterpunch's February 25, 2002 edition.

"In 1993, the District of Attorney of San Francisco released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel's policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.

"Under great political pressure, Smith [District Attorney of San Francisco] later dropped the charges …"

A man by the name of Roy Bullock was one of the ADL's operatives.  "Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country's president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government."

After Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh was murdered, Bullock was discovered to have a key, and a floor plan, of the murdered man's office.  This is evidence that ADL operatives may have helped plan and execute political assassinations in the US and abroad.  But don't hold your breath for the FBI to investigate or charge Bullock, or any other ADLer, in connection to these murders.  (Blankfort)

San Francisco Bay area activists who were spied upon sued the ADL for violating their privacy rights as provided under California law; the suit was settled out of court in February 2002.

ADL and FBI Are Partners, FBI Director Says

Certainly the FBI did not join the suit against the ADL as a friend of the US public, nor did the federal government file its own suit against the ADL for violating the civil rights of Americans.  In fact, while litigation was in progress in 1997, the FBI openly cooperated with the ADL:

Starting in 1997, the League's Holocaust Poster Series was displayed at various FBI offices around the country.  Initiated by the San Diego Regional Office, the traveling exhibit was part of the first annual Holocaust Memorial Ceremony at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC, where Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Weisel, FBI Director Louis Freeh and ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman spoke.  (ADL 1997)

Quite clearly the purpose of the FBI training program was NOT as stated, for the FBI "failed to protect citizens, their civil rights, their dignities, and their moral, ethical and human values" when it tortured and murdered the Branch Davidians in Waco and then destroyed the evidence at the crime scene.  And of course, the ADL had no objection to the FBI conduct at Waco, either (Valentine).

Despite the eerie parallels to many other government massacres of religious minorities, the Simon Wiesenthal Center was completely silent during the Waco atrocity.

On May 7, 2002, Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI and a Marine on "retired" status, addressed the ADL's 24th National Leadership Conference.  Speaking of Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of ADL, and Jess N. Hordes, ADL Washington representative, Mueller said:

A few months ago, Abe and Jess came by my office for a visit.  I appreciated their taking the time to meet with me. (Mueller)

So here we have the head of the FBI telling two professional Israel First lobbyists, who openly work as foreign agents on US soil, that the FBI appreciates the time THEY took to pay a visit to the director of the FBI.

I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI.  I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights.  As I told Abe and Jess, I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship.

We in the FBI tremendously value your perspectives and your partnership … (Mueller)

Amazing to have the FBI-ADL relationship stated so boldly.  The FBI admits to a PARTNERSHIP, but it does not sound like a partnership.  It sounds as though ADL is firmly in the driver's seat.  As Mueller said of the two ADL executives: "I appreciated their taking the time to meet with me."  Mueller does not sound like a partner; he sounds like a subaltern.

Defense Investigative Service Warns of Israeli/Jewish Spies

In January, 1996, the Defense Investigative Service wrote a confidential memo to many military contractors warning them that the Israeli government was "aggressively" trying to steal US military and intelligence secrets, using "strong ethnic ties" to recruit spies.  The Washington Post stated:

The confidential memo on Israel began by noting that the country, a major recipient of US military and economic aid, "is a political and military ally."  But it continued, "the nature of espionage relations between the two governments is competitive."

It said Israel "aggressively collects [U.S.] military and industrial technology," including spy satellite data, missile defense information, and data on military aircraft, tanks, missile boats, and radars.

Drawing on the example of the Pollard case and of other Israeli espionage operations in the United States, the memo said that the country's recruitment techniques include "ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties" of US citizens.

"Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique utilized with great success," the memo said. (Smith)

ADL Uses the Old "Anti-Semitism" Canard

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith secured a copy of the memo in quick order and publicly called upon the Pentagon to conduct an "internal investigation" — not on the possibly treasonous American Israel Firsters, but on the intelligence officers who wrote the memo!

"This is a distressing charge which impugns American Jews and borders on antisemitism," said ADL Director Abraham H. Foxman in a letter to Defense Secretary William J. Perry.

The government memo, and the ADL's angry reaction to it, highlight a particularly delicate issue for the Defense Department.  Many military counterintelligence officials remain scarred by the 1985 revelation that Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard stole what the memo refers to as 'vast quantities of classified information' on Israel's behalf over a 17-month period …

In first publicizing the memo, which was first obtained by the Jewish weekly Moment Magazine, ADL director Foxman complained not only about its reference to Israeli recruitment techniques but also its harsh tone … (Smith)

Notice: The ADL ignored that fact that Jonathan Pollard was an American Jew who betrayed America for Israel, that he gave Israel massive amounts of classified US documents, and Israel claimed him as a national hero. (Smith)

For more information on Pollard's role in U.S. history, see Treason In High Places.

Defense Investigative Service Takes a Dive

Assistant Secretary of Defense Emmett Paige Jr., who has responsibility for military intelligence matters, replied in a letter to Foxman yesterday that "the content" of this document does not reflect the official position of the Department of Defense.  He described the author as a "low-ranking individual at a field activity of the Defense Investigative Service."

"While we object to the document in general, singling out ethnicity as a matter of counterintelligence vulnerability is particularly repugnant to the Department," Paige wrote.  "We have instructed appropriate personnel that similar documents will not be produced in the future." (Smith)

So … if military intelligence officers think that American Jews may form a Fifth Column in the US and work to steal our secrets for Israel, they should keep their mouths shut.  In other words, intelligence officers must toe the politically correct line and effectively cooperate in treason — or lose their jobs.

We are getting a clearer picture here: The Pentagon is comprised of at least two camps: Patriotic military people who are loyal to this country, and Israel Firsters who work for the Nation of Zion.

Defense Investigative Service Patriots Were Right

In fact, some American Jews are regularly called upon to take part in Israeli intelligence operations within the US, and regularly do exactly that.  There is even a Hebrew word that denotes such people: "sayanim." Mossad whistle-blower Victor Ostrovsky described them as "a unique and important part of the Mossad's operation."

"There are thousands of sayanim around the world.  In London alone, there are about 2,000 who are active, and another 5,000 on the list.  They fulfill many different roles.  A car sayan, for example, running a rental agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation …

"Suppose during an operation a katsa [Mossad case officer] suddenly had to come up with an electronics store as a cover.  A call to a sayan in that business could bring 50 television sets, 200 VCRs—whatever was needed—from his warehouse to your building, and in next to no time, you’d have a store with $3 or $4 million worth of stock in it— The system allows the Mossad to work with a skeleton staff.  That’s why, for example, a KGB station would employ 100 people, while a comparable Mossad station would need only six or seven." (Ostrovsky & Hoy 87, 88)

In The Other Side of Deception, Victor Ostrovsky writes about another Israeli intelligence unit, the Lishka Le Kishry Mada, which he describes as "the section for scientific relations, a special unit directly under the prime minister’s office …" The Lishka Le Kishry Mada ("LAKAM") was the agency that recruited Jonathan Pollard.  Sayan within the Pentagon gave the LAKAM case manager sources, and Pollard was directed to bring out the hard copy. (Ostrovsky 33, 34)

Recruiting Fifth Columnists

On May 22, 2002, The Christian Science Monitor published an article describing how Israel persuades Palestinians to betray Palestine and work as Israeli Fifth Columnists.  The methods used by Israeli agents to entrap Palestinians include sexual seduction and blackmail.  Palestinians with criminal records are offered freedom in exchange for information.  Other Palestinians have been shown photographs of female relatives undressing in fashion store changing rooms, and told the images would be circulated unless they agreed to collaborate.

As Palestinian collaborators are drawn more deeply into the system they may be asked to infiltrate the highest levels of militant and political groups or set up targets for arrest and assassination. Israel’s use of targeted assassination typically involves collaborators arranging the hit. (Taylor)

It is beyond the scope of this article, but readers should research the Net themselves and confirm that, particularly since 9-11, the FBI has been seeking to expand and consolidate its hold over "law-enforcement" agencies world-wide.  The FBI, draped in an American flag, is another arm of Israel—an intelligence/enforcement arm.

It would be naive to expect that Israeli agents do not use similar techniques on Americans, whether military personnel or civilians.  Some of you might remember the FBI’s ABSCAM sting operation, in which undercover FBI agents lured Congressmen into taking bribes.  The obvious effect of ABSCAM was to show the Senate and the House that the FBI (read: Israel) could "get" any of them at any time by digging up dirt, provoking it, or inventing it. (Awesome80s)

But through the power of an odd religious cult, known as Christian Zionism, many Americans refuse to believe it is happening—or if they know, they don’t care.  Carefully cultivated by Israel, Christian Zionism is a "brick overcoat" of denial. (O’Keefe)


ADL 1997
"1997 ADL Annual Report" by Anti-Defamation League, Anti-Defamation League, 1999
Source: http://www.adl.org/annual_report/1997/education.html
2001 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20011119100656/http://www.adl.org/annual_report/1997/education.html
Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/rescue/obq-adl-fbi-posters
Source: http://www.awesome80s.com/Awesome80s/News/1980/February/3-Abscam_Revealed.asp
2001 Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20010419171814/ttp://www.awesome80s.com/

Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/cache/awesome-80s-abscam.pdf
"The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues" by Jeffrey Blankfort, CounterPunch, February 25, 2002
Source: https://www.counterpunch.org/2002/02/25/the-adl-spying-case-is-over-but-the-struggle-continues/
2011 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20110903151852/https://www.counterpunch.org/2002/02/25/

Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/rescue/obq-adl-counterpunch
Winchell (Gossip, Power, and The Culture of Celebrity) by Neal Gabler, Alfred Knopf and Vintage Books, New York, 1994
Source: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Winchell/JKk_DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22To+

Time Magazine called the book "The best book of the year," and The New York Daily News called it "A wonderful cultural history."  So we may conclude this book is consistent with unchallenged "official" history.
"Remarks prepared for delivery" by Robert S. Mueller, III, Federal Bureau of Investigation, May 7, 2002
Source: http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/speeches/speech050702.htm
2002 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20020621052853/http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/speeches/speech050702.htm
Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/rescue/obq-fbi-adl-mueller
"Israel’s Evangelical Approach" by Mark O’Keefe, The Washington Post, January 26, 2002
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2002/01/26/

Cached (with commentary): http://holocausts.org/911/chrzion.html
Ostrovsky & Hoy
By Way Of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky & Claire Hoy, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, New York, 1990
The Other Side of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky, Harper Paperbacks, New York, 1995
"Defense Memo Warned of Israeli Spying" by R. Jeffrey Smith, The Washington Post, January 30, 1996, p. A1
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1996/01/30/

2021 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210328074456/https://www.washingtonpost.com/

Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/cache/wp-January 30-1996.pdf
"How Israel builds its fifth column" by Catherine Taylor, The Christian Science Monitor, May 22, 2002.
Source: http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0522/p01s04-wome.html
2002 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20020605050037/http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0522/p01s04-wome.html
Cached: http://holocausts.org/911/rescue/obq-fifthcolumn
"Historians Support Inquiry into the Death of James Forrestal" by Hugh Turley, History News Network, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, May 29, 2009
Source: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/88152
2017 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20170205010828/https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/88152
Cached: http://holocausts.org/Israel/Forrestal_History-News-Network.pdf
The Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum by Carol A. Valentine, Public Action, Inc., April 19, 1993