Cast Iron
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. . . growth of human greed. But leaving out of consideration the references
to moral explanations that result from the tendency of some Greek philosophers
to ascribe profound ethical value to Spartans institutions, ancient sources
are correct when they connect the use of iron money with the isolation
of Sparta from the general stream of Greek economy. The archeological
data suggest that the Spartan economic decline began around 600 B.C. But
the problem is that of deciding whether the use of iron money is the cause
or the effect of the economic isolation of Sparta.
In my study of Greek chronology I shall show that historians used the
date of the imaginary Pheidon of Argos to establish that of Lykourgos:
they made Lykourgos, who would have made compulsory the use of a currency
of iron oboloi in Sparta, a contemporary of Pheidon, who would have abolished
this currency in the rest of the Peloponnese. The date of Lykourgos and
of the Spartan constitution was moved from one century to another according
to the shifts in the position of Pheidon in the several chronological
schemes. This link indicates that the peculiar economic position of Sparta
is related to the setting up at the Heraion of standards that were later
associated with the name of Pheidon.
I would suggest the following explanation of the events. Up to the time
the standards were set up at the Heraion (roughly about 670 BC), the currency
of the Peloponnese was utensil-money consisting of oboloi. The objects
of the Heraion introduced a new concept of currency, metals measured by
weight, whether they be iron or silver, and established a relation of
value between the utensil-money of oboloi and the new currency. When an
equivalence of value is established between two currencies, Greshams
law becomes operative; hence, I would suspect that there was some factor
by which the iron currency turned out to be the bad money
in Sparta, so that silver money was driven out. This may have caused,
or contributed to, the economic isolation of Sparta.
6. In my opinion the history of the Peloponnese, and of Mykenai and Sparta
in particular, cannot be properly reconstructed without collecting all
possible data about mining and metallurgy in the area. After submitting
my doctoral dissertation I tried to obtain institutional support for a
metallurgic testing of the iron found at the Heraion and at Sparta. The
basis of my request was a statement of Ploutarchos (Lysandros,
XVII), drawn from older sources, that the Spartan iron money as it was
drawn out of the fire was dipped in vinegar, so that it would become unfit
for forging, brittle and incapable of taking good edge.
A metal which is quenched by dipping into vinegar certainly is not wrought
iron; it must be cast iron or steel. The quenching in vinegar, instead
of water, is mentioned in the Pirotechnia of Vannoccio Biringucci
(1480-1539 A.D.); ancient metallurgists ascribed great importance to the
nature of the quenching medium, and many of their notions, such as the
preference for the water of particular streams, may have been superstitions,
but vinegar may actually be a better wetting agent than water, as would
be a saline solution. I concluded that the metal described by Ploutarchos
was cast iron. A number of ancient sources mention the preservation of
cast iron in temples as particularly valuable or marvelous. According
to Pausanias (III, 12, 10) the edifice called Skias in Sparta was built
by Theodoros of Samos (a sort of Leonardo da Vinci of the Greeksarchitect,
sculptor, inventor), who first found the way to pour iron and to
mold statues with it.
In spite of such clear statements of ancient authors, the occurrence of
cast iron in antiquity has been denied a priori with the argument
that ancients could not obtain the temperature of about 1500° Celsius
necessary for liquefying iron. For the smelting of the ore a temperature
of 500° may be sufficient; at a temperature between 800° and 900° wrought
iron becomes sufficiently soft to be worked with the hammer. I may quote
as typical the opinion of the specialist of ancient Egyptian technology,
Lucas, to the effect that only in the fourteenth century of our era the
construction of furnaces become advanced enough to obtain the temperature
necessary for the melting of iron. It is true that the furnaces used in
Europe up to this time and those currently used in classical antiquity
were not intended to generate a high temperature; but from the metallurgic
treatises of Renaissance it can be gathered that metallurgists were on
the alert against letting the temperature of a furnace rise too high lest
cast iron be produced. Until steel began to be produced by reducing the
carbon content of cast iron, was considered a useless from of iron, sick
iron in English terminology.
Even when iron is smelted in furnaces of low temperature that are intended
for the production of wrought iron, parts of the bloom that forms in these
furnaces is composed of cast iron and even of steel. Metallurgists used
to break up the bloom and separate the pieces that are wrought iron; the
pieces of cast iron were considered rejects. It is for this reason that
around 1500 AD there was introduced in Europe a method for utilizing more
fully the products of the furnace; the pieces of cast iron were melted
forming what Biringucci calls latte di ferro, milk of iron
and into this there were dropped pieces of wrought iron. Since cast iron
has a high content of carbon, whereas wrought iron contains less than
0.2 per cent of carbon, by making an average there was obtained steel.
Low-carbon steel has a carbon content between 0.2 and 0.8; high-carbon
steel with a content between 0.8 and 2.0 is much harder, but it must be
cast into forms and cannot be easily welded. The reason for the spread
of the use of steel in modern Europe was in part that of utilizing what
were originally the wasted parts of the bloom.
A fundamental contribution to the solution of the problem of Spartan metallurgy
was made when Lyle B. Borst, Chairman of the Department of Physics at
New York University College announced (The New York Times, January
31, 1961) that he had taken some samples from specimens of Spartan iron
money and found then to be made of low-carbon steel, with a carbon content
of between 0.2 and 0.8 percent. A few days later, in answer to a letter
of mine, he kindly informed me that he had not had an opportunity of obtaining
a sample of the oboloi of the Heraion.
It could be said that the finding of Borst is not as sensational as the
press report made it to be, since the existence of Spartan steel is mentioned
in specialized literature. But, for the first time, scholars are provided
with a solid objective datum in a field where there is good deal of confused
thinking and there are too many unjustified assumptions.
In order to obtain a precise bearing I may quote the opinion expressed
in 1956 at the Colloque International: Le Fer
à travers les ages a specialist of Celtic metallurgy, Albert France-Lanoud:
It seems that steel become known in Greece at an extremely early date,
but this not established as certain. But it is a fact that the Celts of
the Noricum around 500 BC discovered the method to avoid a complete decarburization
of the bloom and to produce an excellent malleable steel. It should be
called natural steel. It is this discovery that gave a reputation to the
iron works of Noricum; it must have been the secret of several groups
of ancient ironsmiths. But in Gaul steel appears later, in the second
century BC Noricum roughly corresponded to the western part of contemporary
Austria and the neighboring part of Bavaria.
The objective fact ascertained by Borst acquires transcendental significance
for the study of Greek history, because he has brilliantly liked it with
a passage of Herodotos (I. 67, 68) that provides information about the
relation between Spartan metallurgy and Spartan ascendancy in the Peloponnese.
Herodotos reports that at a time that preceded the age of king Kroisos
of Lydia (middle of sixth century B. C.) the Spartans had been repeatedly
defeated in their efforts to establish their ascendancy over the people
of neighboring Arkadia. When they asked the oracle of Delphoi for advice,
they would have received the following answer:
In a level part of Arkadia there is a place called Tegea: there two winds
blow under forceful compulsion, there is hitting and counterhitting and
misery lies upon misery. There the fertile earth holds the son of Agamemnon;
by getting him you shall become the master of Tegea.
The riddle was solved when a Spartan emissary by the name of Lichas visited
the shop of an blacksmith at Tegea. He recognized that the smithery was
the place indicated by the oracle: he saw two bellows opposite to each
other blowing toward the fire (such opposite bellows appear in Egyptian
portrayals of ironworks), he saw an anvil upon which there was falling
a hammer and he saw the beaten metal, which is misery upon misery, since
iron was invented for the evil of man. The blacksmith told Lichas
that the reason why the latter was finding the particular working of the
iron an object of wonder was that in digging a well in his shop the smith
had found an urn of unusual size, seven cubits long, containing the bones
of a man of the same size. The Spartan understood that these were the
bones of Orestes mentioned by the oracle. By paying the blacksmith, the
bones were brought to Sparta: as a result Sparta became much stronger
in war and was able to subject a great part of the Peloponnese.
It is indeed a commentary on the state of Greek studies that a professor
of physics who does not know Greek was one who realized the vital importance
of this statement of Herodotos for the understanding of Spartan history.
According to Herodotos, the supremacy of the Spartans in the Peloponnese
resulted from their acquiring a metallurgical secret formerly kept the
people of Tegea.
In Borsts view this passage of Herodotos indicates that Spartan
military superiority was based on the knowledge of process for the production
of steel. I do not know how Borst explains the technical details of the
process involving a box and the bones of Orestes, but I believe that the
explanation is provided by a famous memoir of the scientist Réamur on
the making of steel, published in 1722 AD He tells how he searched for
a method to improve the qualities of cast iron, which is absolutely
incapable of being worked with the hammer and is at the same time so hard.
He found a method of transforming it into steel by heating it up packed
together with calcinated and pulverized bones. Since cast iron was considered
worthless iron up to rather recent times, a sick iron, it
is possible to understand why the combination of bones with cast iron
was called a piling up of misery upon misery. I suspect that
Herodotos missed the explanation of this element of the riddle.
The method used by the Spartans must have been similar to that used by
the Chinese. It seems that iron began to be produced in China in the fifth
century B. C.; the method used by the Chinese was that of producing cast
iron and then reducing it to steel. Pliny, in the first century of our
era, mentions China and Parthia as the important producers of steel. Some
scholars, being wary of accepting that steel was produced at very early
times, have tried to choose the to lowest possible date for the production
of Chinese steel. But Chinese texts of the first century AD mention the
production of steel by melting wrought iron in a bath of cast iron. It
has been argued that the other process, that of reducing the carbon content
of cast iron, was discovered later, because this has been the consequence
of the developments in Europe; but the Spartan evidence suggests that
decarburation may have been the earlier process. The process of co-fusion
of cast iron with wrought iron requires a temperature, such that the cast
iron becomes a liquid in which the pieces of wrought iron melt.
Several scholars have been confused by the fact that steel is a highly
desirable metal for us. But the ancients were looking for a metal that
was highly malleable and considered anything that was not malleable an
inferior product. For instance, it has been noticed that in the Homeric
poems iron is mentioned, but the weapons of the heroes are described as
of bronze; on the basis of this fact it has been argued that weapons of
iron were current in the age of Homer, but the poet deliberately chose
to describe the customs of an age that preceded him. In my doctoral dissertation
I argued that Homer was not an antiquarian: by the metallurgy of his time
armor and swords could not be made of iron, but objects such as a ploughshares,
hoes and mattocks could. By further investigating the problem I found
that iron armor was seldom produced before the beginning of our era. Up
to this time, the best possible use of iron could be that of making small
cutting blades, points of spears and short swords. A highly capable blacksmith
could succeed in producing a full-sized sword of steel, but this must
indeed have been a rare piece that was not cheaper than a sword of bronze.
Henry B. Noss submitted in 1959 a doctoral dissertation on ancient copper
metallurgy, in which there are incidental remarks on iron metallurgy that
agree with my general view. He observes that the heat treatment
of iron was very difficult and complicated, that of copper comparatively
simple; he properly calls to attention the ancient texts that describe
iron as an evil metal. Homer calls iron polykmeitos, wrought with
great toil.
To Noss there occurred the wise idea of examining the first occurrence
in Greek literature of words composed with sidero-; as a result he established
the following timetable: in the first century A. D. flesh-hooks and crowbars;
in the, second century, anchors and files; in the third plaiting and borers;
in the fourth, tunics, fetters and horseshoes; in the fifth, breastplates;
in the tenth, wheels. Of course, the first occurrence of the terms is
not an absolute evidence when certain objects began to be commonly made
of iron, but the timetable taken as a whole indicates that iron metallurgy
was still growing from an infant state at the beginning of our era.
The written and material evidence indicates that here and there in the
ancient world there were produced steel blades and even steel swords;
these steel objects may even have preceded the general use of iron. The
Egyptian iron objects that occur in solitary fashion in the two millennia
preceding the Saite Dynasty should be examined to determine how often
they are made of steel.
Since the distinction between Bronze Age and Iron Age is the the most
fundamental classification scheme in ancient archeology, it is followed
by people who have given little thought to metallurgy, or none at all.
As a result there have been formed myths in the history of metallurgy
that wen be dispelled only with a most detailed technical study of the
evidence. A first effort in the right direction has been made by Noss,
who has shown that there is no such thing as a unified copper metallurgy:
a number of separate techniques must be distinguished, some more primitive
and some highly advanced, that appeared in different areas and at different
times, some being lost in the course of time. He has shown that the manufacture
and the general use of tools characteristic of the so-called Stone Age
continued through the Bronze Age in some areas. On my part, I would stress
the point that iron appears to have been known about as early as copper,
but was considered an inferior metal. The only specific advantage of iron
was that of providing a better cutting edge; for the manufacture of cutting
instruments iron was more desirable than copper even if it was more expensive.
It would seem that cutting blades of iron were produced during the Bronze
Age; hence, the first iron to be produced must have been steel. The Greek
name for steel is stomoma; since stoma means mouth,
front part, point of a weapon, the name of steel may refer to the
fact that originally it was used just for the cutting edge or the point
of instruments, being even mounted on a bronze support. When historians
speak of Iron Age they actually refer to the fact that at a point in history
it became possible to produce some objects more cheaply with wrought iron
than with bronze; the number of the objects that could be so produced
kept increasing in the course of the Greek and Roman period. The Greeks
continued to use the term chalkeos for smith, a term that
properly applies only to the coppersmith, because only copper
or bronze was the metal truly fit for all the operations of smithing.
Noss suggests that there was a resistance to adopt iron, because the metallurgy
of copper had achieved such a high level of perfection that it would not
be abandoned in favor of a more primitive technique; but he does not explain
why the technique used for iron should have remained in a primitive state.
I believe that the proper exploitation of iron required a technique even
more advanced than the highest copper technique. I am inclined to think
that a sociological factor must be taken into account: up to the first
century B. C. there had not been established any method for the advanced
training of slaves. Since metallurgy was usually entrusted to slaves,
the highly developed skills in iron metallurgy that were developed here
and there could not be easily transmitted to future generations. Apparently
the skill needed for handling copper was at the level of the usual training
of slaves. It could be that in Lakonia where there was a social class,
the perioikoi, with a status intermediary between that of full citizens
and that of slaves, the social conditions were more favorable to the formation
of a group that could acquire the secrets of steel metallurgy and transmit
them to future generations. Metallurgists have been secretive up to recent
times; but the formation of so-called trade secrets was inevitable as
long as there had not been developed a language that would allow to explain
the operations properly. The difficulty that we meet in interpreting ancient
authors, such as Aristotle, when they deal with metallurgy, indicates
that such a language did not exist. The history of alchemy indicates that
the lack of a proper language caused the efforts to transmit chemical
knowledge to founder in a sea of superstitious constructions. The description
of iron metallurgy is particularly difficult. In the case of bronze and
brass the main problem is that of obtaining the right proportion of metals;
but in the case of iron the metal comes out of the smelting furnace with
a variable content of carbon that radically affects its characteristics.
Furthermore, any process of heating and hammering alters the characteristics
of iron, which depend on the size, the distribution and the orientation
of the composing crystals.
It would seem that the effort to develop a metallurgy of wrought iron
caused the loss of the technique for the production of cast iron and steel
in Greece and Rome. When I wrote my doctoral dissertation I suggested
that the iron objects mentioned by Homer were of cast iron; now I would
conclude that they were of cast iron and of steel, possibly high carbon
steel. In describing the blinding of Polyphemos, the poet compares it
vividly with the quenching of iron in water. Both cast iron and steel
become harder and more brittle by being quenched in water, but only steel
can have a sharp edge. Odysseos and his ten companions plunge into the
eye of Polyphemos the charred point of a pole, and the effect is compared
with the sizzling of water when an iron axe or an adze is plunged into
it by a smith to make it hard. A number of editors expunge this passage
(IX. 391-394) as a late addition, but the evidence seems to suggest that
the making of steel was better known in preclassical than in classical
times. It has been argued that the text is late, since it contains the
phrase megala iaconta, with great shout which ignores the
digamma at the beginning of the second term. But the usual epic form is
mega Fiaconta, so that the text must have originally taken the digamma
into account; when the digamma was no longer pronounced, mega was
changed into megala so that the verse may sound correct.
7. Considering again the statement of Ploutarchos about the Spartan iron
money, it seems that he telescoped the information. He mentioned the production
of cast iron and the process of quenching the metal, but he did not mention
the intermediary process of decarburizing the metal. Ploutarchos may have
shortened or misunderstood the information provided by his source: the
metal that was unfit for forging, brittle, and incapable of taking a good
edge when it came out of the smelting process, was subjected to the process
mentioned by Herodotos and then heated again to be quenched in vinegar
which would make it even more brittle and more unfit for forging, but
capable of taking a good edge. Ploutarchos instead states that it was
quenched in vinegar so that it would become unfit for forging, brittle,
and incapable of taking a good edge.
The evidence gathered by Borst indicates that the Spartans acquired from
the people of Tegea the technique of decarburizing cast iron or high carbon
steel. It is significant that Tegea is in the southeastern part of Arcadia
on the road from Sparta to Argolis. In the period of the fifth century
B. C. in which Argos destroyed the neighboring cities and took control
of the Heraion and of Nauplia, Tegea revolted against Sparta and became
an ally of Argos. Since the process of decarburation is connected with
the name of Orestes, son of Agamemnon, king of Mykenai, it maybe that
the process originated in the area of the Heraion.
I have listed the sources that state that iron was invented in Euboia,
that is, at the Heraion and that mention Euboia as a famous metallurgic
center. Here, I must call attention to a line of Aischylos that mention
an Euboic sword called autotektonos. It may be a sword of steel.
The term autotektonos maybe compared with the term autokhoónos
that occurs in Homer. In the funeral games for Patroklos, Achilles offers
a great ball of iron as a prize to the hero that will throw it the greatest
distance; the narrative indicates that to lift the object at all is already
a feat. Achilles states that the object would be of use to the holder
of a large estate, who will be able to provide all the iron needed by
his farmers and shepherds for five years. The object is called solon
autokhoónon literally self-poured lump. Some
interpreters have understood that it is a matter of meteoric iron which
is self-smelted. But the Hellenistic scholar Aristarchos never
doubted that melted metal is mentioned, since he observed that it must
be a matter of copper in spite of the words of Homer, because iron cannot
be melted. Paul Mazon translates: un bloc de fer brut; this
translation is rather indefinite, but at least does not contain an error.
The glosses to the passage explain that autokhoónos means
as the metal comes from the smelting. It would seem, therefore, that the
prize offered by Achilles is a bloom of iron as it is formed in the furnace.
In substance both autokhoónos and autotektonos may
have referred to metal in its usual first state of production. The usual
practice of ancient times, followed up to modern times, was to produce
a bloom in a low-temperature furnace and then break it up, separating
the pieces of wrought iron from those of steel and cast iron. The practice
of classical times, followed up to the Renaissance, was to discard all
the pieces that were not wrought iron. It would seem that in some areas
of Greece at some time the pieces of steel were utilized. A bloom found
in the ruins of the Roman Corstopitum near Corbridge, on the Tyne was
analyzed and found to be composed of parts that are steel. It may be suspected
that the ancient metallurgy was always based on the low-temperature furnace
producing a bloom; but at first the furnace was operated so as to produce
as much as possible cast iron and steel. It may be conjectured that the
first parts of the bloom to be utilized were these of steel; then development
took two opposite directions, that of utilizing wrought iron and that
of converting cast iron into steel.
8. In spite of the fact that the oboloi tested by Borst are of
steel and possibly all oboloi were of steel, I still am inclined
to believe that Spartan iron money was made of cast iron in classical
times. In the Temple of Artemis Orthia the main holiness of Sparta, there
have been found iron bars that have roughly the shape of oboloi,
but are short and thick, and cannot have been used as roasting spits.
In general when a utensil is used as currency its shape and metal tends
to degenerate and acquires a merely symbolic character. Therefore, I suggest
that the Spartans may have used cast for making the oboloi used
as currency.
The indications that the iron money of the Spartans come to be made of
cast iron are the following. The pseudo-Platonic dialogue Eryxias (400
B) states that Spartan money is made of useless iron, in order to prove
that money may have a purely conventional value. This statement can hardly
refer to oboloi of steel. The true oboloi found at Sparta,
from which Borst took some samples, may have been pieces preserved in
temples like the oboloi found at the Heraion. The Spartan iron
money used in classical times was called pelanos. A number of inscriptions
indicate that pelanos, like obolos, passed its name to the
monetary unit obol, particularly to the obol paid as fee for the consultation
of an oracle. The fee continued to be called pelanos even when
it became more than an obol. Linguists explain the term by referring to
the root of the Latin planus and of the English flat (German
platt), and it has been suggested that originally a flat cake was
offered to the oracle. But I would rather consider a derivation from the
root of plassó, to mold a soft substance from
which there is derived plasma and our term plastic. Suidas explained
that pelanos is a kind of mushy pastry, the froth around the mouth,
the gum of a tree and the obol paid for the consultation of an oracle.
A gloss to Nikandros (Alexipharm, 488) remarks that pelanos,
means obol and also pemma, pastry; it explains
this last word by epsema, boiled-down substance. The
smelting of ore is called epsesis. The term pelanos, therefore,
seems to suggest that Spartan money was made of melted metal.
It is possible that in the case of oboloi used as currency, the
Spartans come to skip the process of decarburation with the urn and the
bones of Orestes. The oboloi of cast iron had to be made short
and thick lest they break. In his Dictionary Pollux refers to the quenching
in vinegar of Spartan oboloi, but in terms different from those
used by Ploutarchos: They quench the point of the obolos
in vinegar so that it becomes incapable of being cut. This statement
is perfectly sensible from a metallurgical point of view: the point of
the obol is quenched so as to make the steel harder; but the shaft is
not quenched, because the quenching would make it harder but also brittle.
Gathering all the data, I would conclude that the Spartans abandoned the
process of producing wrought iron and adopted from the people of Tegea
a process which consisted in producing cast iron and then decarburizing
it, the process used by the Chinese. This process was excellent and most
desirable for the production of oboloi used as utensils, but too
expensive for the oboloi used as currency. Svoronos may be right
in assuming that the bar of the Heraion was of wrought iron. If the bar
was of wrought iron, the relation of value 1:400 established by this bar
between silver and iron applied to wrought iron. When the Spartans began
to produce oboloi of steel, this relation was too unfavorable to
iron in the case of steel objects. They may have exported oboloi
of steel to be used as utensils; but as money they used oboloi
of cast iron for which the rate of the Heraion was too favorable to the
iron. Since Ploutarchos may be interpreted as saying that the proper rate
for oboloi of cast iron was 1:1200, the Spartan money was considered
worthless outside Sparta. However, the entire history of Sparta, and not
only her monetary history, will continue to hover in the realm of legends
and be a fit subject for rhetorical exercises of Spartan virtues and on
auri sacra fames, as long that the metallurgic data potentially
available are not gathered.