WTC Bonus
Slick Willie
Strikes Again
1 October, 2001
A Alert
By Fintan Dunne,
Research Kathy McMahon
In the early hours of the morning --just prior to
the 11th of September World Trade Center attack, well informed people
were literally counting the hours to Bill Clinton's downfall.
"Tick, tick, tick," one Free Republic Forum 'Freeper'
had posted as dawn boke over the New York skyline. He was celebrating
the long anticipated --now imminent-- handover by Attorney General
John Ashcroft, of
internal memoranda relating to the conduct by the Justice Department
of a raft of scandals from the Clinton era --PardonGate and ChinaGate
and more.
media were mostly ignoring the importance of this development: it
meant the start of a slippery slope of inquiry that would destroy
what remained of the Clinton reputation. And probably destroy the
presidential aspirations of Hillary Clinton to boot.
Ashcroft had been subpoenaed
to deliver the papers without fail, by the relentless Indiana Republican
Dan Burton, chair of the Reform
Committee of the House of Congress. Burton had battled
not only Ashcroft, but noises
from George W. Bush's office that asserted the President surprisingly
intended to claim
executive privilege to thwart Burton's inquiries.
The handover of the memoranda was
set for 5p.m. Tuesday 11th September, 2001.
It never happened.
The World Trade Center attack saw to that.
Justice Department Oversight Hearing Postponed
D.C. --- The Government Reform Committee s hearing on the
U.S. Justice Department s new policy that prevents Congress
from viewing deliberative memoranda scheduled for this Thursday,
September 13, has been postponed until further notice.
memoranda included internal Justice Dept. deliberations about the
cases of Stephen Flemmi, "Whitey" Bulger, Joseph Barboza, "Jimmy The
Bear" Flemmi, Ray Patriarca, Gennaro Angiulo, Theodore J. Sharliss
(a.k.a. James Chalmas, "J. R." Russo, John Durham, John Morris, Francis
P. Salemme, Robert Daddeico. The Reform comittee was scheduled to
hear testimony from Ashcroft himself --only two days later, on the
13th September, 2001. The hearing never happened either. The World
Trade Center attack saw to that too.
Now the hearing has been postponed indefinitely and the Reform Committee
is instead focussed on 'investigating' our preparedness to fight 'terrorism'.
Somehow, incredibly --by accident,
surely not by design-- 'Slick Willie' had DONE IT AGAIN!
was not Bill Clinton's only slice of luck that day. One unfortunate
passenger on the airliner that hit the Pentagon was Barbara Olsen.
However, Olsen had finished a book just days before her death.
The book is entitled "The
Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White
House". It is Olson's inside-look at the late-night executive
orders, eleventh-hour appointments, unseemly gifts, unsavory property
deals, and other abuses of the Clinton presidency. It spotlights Clinton's
pardons for terrorists, spies and even a smuggler.
Alfred S. Regnery, President and Publisher of Regnery Publishing,
has said the publication of the book --originally planned for September
13th, will
still go ahead.
Regnery said Olson's family didn't want to hand terrorists a victory.
"Her family, friends and colleagues all thought she would be pleased
to know that even terrorists could not keep her opinions from being
known. In fact, she never would have countenanced the thought that
terrorism could still her voice or cancel her work."
Not so lucky for Slick Willie, after all.
Of course, all this had nothing to do with Clinton's 9th May, 2001
meeting with Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Clinton went to Wan
Chai's Harbor Plaza Hotel, where Jiang was staying at around 10.30am
and left an hour and a quarter later. Clinton's spokesman PJ Crowley
later declined to comment to UPI on what areas the meeting might have
slickest Willie loves Hong Kong, And tea with Jiang Zemin,
Inscrutable, they sound the gong, That tolls for Gunga
Forum Thread also
Clinton Scandals
for Dummies
of Experts.W-88
Panel of Experts -- W-88. Cox Report of the "theft of design
Report on Chinese Espionage
...warhead in the US intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal.
Demands Subpoena Explanation
September 10, 2001 Louis D. Boccardi, AP president and chief executive,
called the subpoena "an extraordinary strike against the press."
Brown - Arms Dealer
Missile Allegations: Key Stories
