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Part 4 of a four-part article
by Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Copyright June 2002, 2023. Edited and reissued 2023.
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
In his farewell address, the first president of the United States, George Washington, warned against permanent antipathies or passionate attachments to other nations.
Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it? … In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. (Washington 1796)
Certainly, some Americans have a passionate attachment to the nation of Israel. The attack on the USS Liberty is a well-known example.
We have seen that on 9/11, the Pentagon hierarchy did not attempt to rescue Pentagon personnel trapped by fire or buried under structural collapse. While we might be shocked by that, we need to be reminded that betrayal in high places has precedents.
During the Cold War, American Intelligence wanted access to electronic information transmitted by the Soviet Union. The USS Liberty was an intelligence-gathering ship assigned to do that job.
On June 8, 1967, war broke out between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. American Intelligence wanted to learn the details and ordered the USS Liberty to proceed to the Mediterranean Sea to eavesdrop.
But when the Liberty’s mission was detected, Israeli warplanes attacked the American ship, killing 34 crew members and injuring 173 others.
During the attack, a USS Liberty electronics technician sent an SOS to the Sixth Fleet. Twice the Sixth Fleet launched aircraft to defend the Liberty, and twice the responding planes were recalled.
Admiral Lawrence R. Geis, commander of the Sixth Fleet’s carrier division has since charged that at the second call, President Lyndon Johnson came on the phone himself and told Geis: “I don’t give a damn if the ship sinks and all the Americans are killed. I will not embarrass my ally.”
Why would a US President side with Israel against the U.S.? President Johnson was working with Israel to destabilize Egyptian President Gamal Abel Nassar. Such cooperation demanded secrecy—and surveillance by the USS Liberty was not welcome, of course. And blaming Egypt for the attack on the Liberty became a part of the plan to make Nassar look bad. (Mellen 2018; Findley 2005)
Jonathan Pollard, a Jewish U.S. citizen, had been working for Naval Intelligence for several years when he was arrested by FBI agents on November 21, 1985. Pollard was arrested as he was trying to gain asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. At the time of his arrest, Pollard was in possession of “no less than 60 classified documents, twenty of which were top secret or higher.” (Winstanley 2021)
Ron Olive, former head of counter-intelligence in the Washington office of Naval Investigative Service, is attributed with documenting Pollard’s treason.
According to Olive, Pollard stole “so many documents, so highly classified, more so than any other spy in the history of this country in such a short time. For 18 months, Pollard had used his access to classified US documents to steal masses of top-secret US intelligence secrets, selling them to the Israel spy agency Mossad.”
Pollard was sentenced to life in prison for treason against the country of his birth, ultimately serving 30 years behind bars. After decades of high-level political lobbying by leading Israeli politicians, and over the objections of US intelligence professionals, in 2015 President Barack Obama released Pollard.
After his release, Pollard and his second wife Esther arrived in Tel Aviv to start a new life there. They were greeted on the tarmac by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Winstanley 2021)
On September 11, 2001, the Naval Command Center and the office of the Chief Naval Operations Intelligence Plot sustained heavy damage.
According to The Washington Post, 42 people died in the Navy Command Center. Seven (7) — the entire chain of command in the super secret Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot (CNO-IP) Intelligence Plot — were also killed (Lei 2002). Those included Cmdr. Dan Shanower, Lt. Cmdr. Vince Tolbert, Lt. Jonas Panik, Lt. Darin Pontell, Petty Officer 1st Class Julian Cooper, Angela Houtz, Brady Howell, and Gerry Moran. (ONI Public Affairs 2022)
Let's go back to the beginning, and state the obvious. The Pentagon is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill office building. The Pentagon is the headquarters for the mightiest military power on earth. It is the home of the US Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, and Special Operations. An attack on the headquarters of US military power could only be an act of war. Yet what did Donald Rumsfeld and the top brass do?
On September 11, 2001, they gave jurisdiction of the war zone to the FBI — a division of the civilian Department of Justice. Perhaps noteworthy:
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld dropped the news casually at his September 11, 2001, news conference:
"… the FBI has secured the site."
Speaking of those supervising entry into the damaged portion of the Pentagon on September 11, Thomas E. White, Secretary of the Army, said:
"That entry will be supervised by the FBI, who are in charge of the site." (Rumsfeld 2001)
(Robert S. Mueller, a former Marine, had been appointed FBI Director on September 4, a week before 9/11.)
Wow! After September 11, they brought soldiers to Wall Street to secure civilians (BusinessWeek 2001), and brought civilians to the Pentagon to secure the nation's military headquarters.
Who wrote this script? All of it is as natural as a fish perched in a tree or a robin
swimming upriver. And yet it happened, and NOBODY commented on the strangeness of it all.
Notice that when Rumsfeld and White spoke, they did not mention who had given the FBI jurisdiction over the Pentagon. They merely said: "… the FBI has secured the site," and "… the FBI, who are [sic] in charge of the site." But as Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld was surely the person who gave his jurisdiction away. He did it by simply redefining the war zone as a "crime scene." And who handles crimes on federal property? Why, the FBI, maybe?
And there was Gen. Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, standing by silently, having abandoned the responsibilities of the US military. Can you read the expression on his face as Rumsfeld spoke?
Read the transcript of the press interview (Rumsfeld 2001); not one reporter picked up on this anomaly and questioned Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld or Army Secretary White or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Shelton.
Later, the DoD would say they gave jurisdiction over the "crime scene" to—hold on to your hat — the Arlington County Fire Department; that the Fire Department exercised jurisdiction for 10 days before handing it over to the FBI. This from the DoD's own American Forces Information Service:
The FBI assumed crime-scene jurisdiction at the Pentagon Terrorist attack site on Sept. 21 from the Arlington County (Va.) Fire Department, officials said …
Plaugher [Fire Chief] said Arlington firefighters will continue providing emergency protection for FBI investigators combing the crash site … He said his department would also assist in processing evidence. (Gilmore 2001)
But of course! The Arlington County Fire Department, armed with 50 mm water cannons, was "protecting" the FBI and had jurisdiction over the Pentagon war zone. Pigs fly, too.
That extraordinary story is repeated on the Arlington County Fire Department's webpage. (Bridges 2001)
The Pentagon rescue was just one lie after another.
If the Arlington County fire department had jurisdiction over the Pentagon crime scene from September 11 to September 21, the news must have been kept quiet. On September 14, the Associated Press ran a story that clearly indicates the FBI was actually in charge.
But more importantly, that report revealed the FBI took possession of military intelligence
documents at the site. The story quoted Jerry Crawford, a civilian, and leader of an urban
search and rescue team from Memphis, Tenn.
… Crawford also said officials were worried about classified material and intelligence information that is strewn throughout the rubble. He said no military intelligence officials have been allowed into the area … "We have the FBI with us and nobody is touching anything they're not supposed to touch," Crawford said. He said that when rescue workers "see something marked secret or sensitive, we leave it alone." (Jelinek 2001, emphasis added.)
Under what circumstances would military intelligence people ever lose jurisdiction over their own documents? Why, when their documents have been scattered over a "crime scene," and the FBI has control of the crime scene.
Intelligence agencies are intensely proprietary about their intelligence: they work in compartmentalized units, and they operate on a "need to know" policy. How likely is it that the FBI agents collecting and reading those Top Secret and SCI (Special Compartmentalized Information) military intelligence documents had been cleared by military intelligence to read them?
If the FBI agents did NOT possess the clearances to see them, why did Rumsfeld, White, and Shelton give them access? But if the FBI agents DID have the necessary clearances, why did they? What was going on?
Since the offices hit were Army and Navy offices, we can assume that the intelligence documents lying around the Pentagon grounds were Army and Navy military intelligence documents. What might be so important about those documents? Why might the FBI be so interested? Perhaps we should have a closer look at the FBI.
See also FBI: Israel's Attack Dog.
On September 10, 2001, just one day before 9-11, The Washington Times ran a front-page story, "US troops would enforce peace under Army study." The Times quoted officers in the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Commenting on the Mossad, Israel's intelligence/dirty trick service, the SAMS officers said:
Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act. (Scarborough 2001)
On April 4, 2002, this writer wrote to the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies, asking, among other things, if The Washington Times story was true. The next day I received a reply from the SAMS public relations officer, who said that The Washington Times article was misleading because it failed to mention "the Army study" was an academic exercise. (Wray 2002)
The Orange County Register reprinted an article from The New York Times citing the casualties of each of the services on 9-11:
The Army suffered the heaviest losses, including Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, a three-star general who headed the Army's personnel division, according to officials. Altogether, 21 Army soldiers and officers and 53 civilians who worked in the Department of the Army were killed, many of them from the service's budget and personnel offices. The Navy reported that 33 sailors and officers, along with nine civilians, remained missing. They worked in a variety of offices, including the Navy's operation center, which was damaged in the attack. Ten other missing people were from other defense agencies, including seven from the Defense Intelligence Agency. (Myers & Becker 2001)
No active duty Air Force, Marine, or Special Operations personnel were killed on 9-11. (Wray)
But the "academic exercise" explanation tells us something even more significant about the Army: Within the SAMS ranks, and within its critically important officer training ranks, the propensities of the Nation of Israel can be openly discussed without fear of an "antisemitism" smear.
So it seemed that there was still freedom of thought, freedom of inquiry, and freedom of speech within U.S. Army officer ranks. It says that certain elements within the Army were not under Israeli's heel — or at least they were not before 9/11. The Israelis surely must have known about that Army situation. That situation could be extremely dangerous to Israel.
On April 24, 2002, the pro-Zionist WorldNetDaily, which claims to be an alternate source of news on the Internet, reported that a US Army Reserve counterintelligence officer with dual citizenship in the United States and Israel had his security clearance revoked. Naturally, the officer claimed bias on the part of the Army and complained about the Army's treatment of him to WorldNetDaily. (Dougherty 2002)
Note that according to the report, the Israeli had his security clearance pulled by the Army's personnel command, which was concerned with the internal security of the Army. Good for them!
Now look again at the accounting of the Army's 9-11 Pentagon casualties. The Army's personnel division was heavily hit. This from the above-cited New York Times article:
"The Army suffered the heaviest losses, including Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, a three-star general who headed the Army's personnel division, according to officials.
"Altogether, 21 Army soldiers and officers and 53 civilians who worked in the Department of the Army were killed, many of them from the service's budget and personnel offices."
Those Army personnel officers may have had a list of names of people whose security clearances they wanted to yank. They may have had other information that Israel wanted squashed.
Seven members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the agency that had warned about the recruitment of American Jews by the Israeli spy networks, also died.
According to The Washington Post, the entire chain of command of the super secret "Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot" was killed on September 11. (Lei 2002)
Naval Intelligence was the base from which Jonathan Pollard operated. Remember, it was Naval Intelligence that caught Pollard and Naval Intelligence that insisted the FBI arrest him. How many patriotic Naval Intelligence types had an attitude adjustment on September 11, 2001?
As mentioned above, no active duty Air Force people died as a result of the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon. Air Force types, of course, make up the staff of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Almost certainly, it was NORAD that sent the remote-controlled planes plowing into their targets on 9-11. (See: Valentine 2002a; Valentine 2002b; Plissken 2002)
A Marine miracle was described in an article posted on the Usenet group soc.veterans on September 16, 2001.
… On Thursday, Marines recovered a Marine Corps flag from the impact area that — strangely — went untouched. Seeing a Marine proudly carry the red and gold flag away from the rubble moved Williams.
"That kind of touches you," he said.
Then he added, "Once a Marine, always a Marine." (Lawson 2001)
The soc.veterans posting does not explain what a MARINE flag was doing in Army/Navy offices. And it is indeed nothing short of a miracle that any flag, be it Marine or otherwise, would survive the inferno and building collapse "untouched," when 125 souls perished in the same place. The posting implies that the flag was held high on a staff as it was carried from the ruins, for notice the flag was carried "proudly." That term would scarcely be used if the flag was folded.
Flags are important symbols — they are used to indicate authority and supremacy. The miraculous discovery of an unscathed Marine flag in the ruins of Army and Navy operations offices could well be a show of victory over Army/Navy elements liquidated on 9-11.
Coincidentally, the director of the FBI, Robert S. Mueller III, the man who openly boasts that his organization is a "partner" of an Israeli intelligence arm (the ADL), is a Marine. ("Once a Marine, always a Marine.")
Mueller would have received the Army and Navy intelligence documents scattered on the Pentagon grounds and gathered up by the civilian rescuers. For all we know, the so-called FBI agents to whom the documents were given were working directly for Mossad or were Israeli agents working undercover. Recall the FBI/ADL "partnership" mentioned by the Marine Director of the FBI.
Many observers have accused Israel of committing a massacre at the Jenin refugee camp in 2002 (Jansen 2002; Scheer 2002; Goodman & Cummings; Reeves 2002; di Giovanni 2002; Pappe 2017).
What is the US Marines' response to (what is being called) the "Jenin massacre"? The Marines are studying the event to learn from the event.
While Israeli forces were engaged in what many termed a brutal — some even say criminal — campaign to crush Palestinian militants and terrorist cells in West Bank towns, U.S. military officials were in Israel seeing what they could learn from that urban fight.
Likewise, just weeks after the vicious fight in the Jenin refugee camp that ended April 15 with 75 Israelis and Palestinians dead and nearly 150 buildings in rubble, a senior Israeli Defense Force intelligence officer visited the United States to watch U.S. Marines experiment with new urban-warfare tactics.
All this military-to-military contact comes at a sensitive time, one in which the Bush administration is taking pains to appear as an honest broker in the Israeli-Palestinian standoff. Moreover, human-rights groups and State Department officials have expressed concerns about the IDF’s urban counterterror tactics that U.S. military officials now are studying. (Lowe 2002)
Who will be the targets of the Marines in US urban warfare? That answer is simple. The targets will be American citizens — American men, women, and children, just as the Israeli targets in Jenin were Palestinian men, women, and children.
Note that retired Marine Robert S. Mueller was appointed FBI Director on September 4, 2001. As such, he was put in charge of "rescuing" the military personnel who were trapped, injured, and dying in the ruins of the Pentagon. As told above, those Navy and Army personnel who died on 9/11 in the Pentagon could be viewed as enemies of Israel or those whom Israel considered enemies.
The fundamental holy book of Judaism is the Babylonian Talmud. Of the enemies of Israel, the Talmud requires:
An amazing coincidence, yes? But maybe not.
See also:
“Arlington Transfers Pentagon Site To FBI” by Richard Bridges, Arlington County Public Affairs Division, September 21, 2001
"25 Intense Photos Captured at the Pentagon on 9/11" by Amy Bushatz, Network, circa 2021
2021 Archive:
2001 Archive:
"Palestine under attack" by Janine di Giovanni, The Times (London) via The Palestine Monitor, April 16, 2002
2020 Archive:
“Army Strips Jewish Major of Security Clearance” by Jon Dougherty, WorldNetDaily
“Washington’s Fateful Cover-Up of Israel”s Attack on the USS Liberty” by Paul Findley, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August 27, 2005.
“FBI Assumes Jurisdiction At Pentagon Crash Site” by Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Information Service, September 24, 2001
The Battle of Jenin: A Case Study in Israel’s Communications Strategy by Hirsh Goodman & Jonathan Cummings, The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, July 2002
"Irish nurse in clash with Israeli soldiers" by Michael Jansen, The Irish Times, Thu Apr 18 2002
"Work being done to shore up Pentagon” by Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press via Nando Media, September 14, 2001
"An Israeli youth demonstrator holds a picture of Jonathan Pollard" photo by Menahem Kahanam American Free Press, July 13, 2010
America mourns victims of terrorism by Lance Cpl. John R. Lawson, III, Veterans News & Information Service, 2001-09-16
“The Last Watch” by Richard Lei, The Washington Post, January 20, 2002, pg. F1, Style section
“U.S., Israeli armed forces trade urban-warfare tips: American military officials studied attack on Jenin refugee camp” by Christian Lowe, Marine Corps Times, May 31, 2002
2002 Archive: This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.
Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty by Joan Mellen, Prometheus Books, December 11, 2018
“Pentagon toll at 190” by Steven Lee Myers & Elizabeth Becker, The New York Times via The Orange County Register, September 14, 2001
"USN 1123118 USS Liberty (AGTR-5)," National Archives, June 8, 1967
Archive: Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.
"Rubble, dust and rotting bodies everywhere" by Phil Reeves, The Independent via Independent Online (South Africa), Apr 15, 2002
2002 Archive:
"Jenin won’t forget Israel’s massacre" by Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 18 April 2017
2002 Archive:
Flight of the Bumble Planes by Snake Plissken as told to Carol Valentine, Public Action, March 10, 2002
2002 Archive:
"Tractate Sanhedrin", Babylonian Talmud, tr. Jacob Shachter and H. Freedman, ed. Isadore Epstein, 1935
“U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study” by Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times, September 10, 2001, pg. A1
"Sharon Wears Oppressor’s Cloak" by Robert Scheer, The Los Angeles Times, APRIL 16, 2002
2002 Archive:
"How Israel builds its fifth column" by Catherine Taylor, The Christian Science Monitor, May 22, 2002
2002 Archive:
Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? Part 1: Inside Job by Carol Valentine, Public Action, February 12, 2002
2002 Archive:
Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? Part 2: The Dumb Blondes by Carol Valentine, Public Action, February 25, 2002
2002 Archive:
A Farewell Address to the Nation by Geo. Washington, A&E Television Networks, LLC., 1796
Archive: Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.
U.S. Navy photo by Photogapher's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson, All Hands Magazine, Record ID No. (VIRIN): 010911-N-1350W-204, Sept 11, 2001
Archive: Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.
“Jonathan Pollard's release shows that Israel is unrepentant about spying on its ‘allies’” by Asa Winstanley, Middle East Monitor, January 29, 2021.
Wise Men and Their Tales by Elie Wiesel, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, January 16, 2009
2002 Email cached:
2002 Archive: