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Waco Remembrance |
On April 19, 1995, Waco Remembrance held a memorial for the dead Davidians on the walk outside the FBI building in Washington, D.C. Photo, CNN, August 7, 2013 with the caption, "Andrew Williams holds up a sign depicting the scene at the Branch Davidian compound during a rally at the FBI Building in Washington on April 19, 1995. The rally was in remembrance of the Branch Davidians killed during the siege." |
In 1994, Carol Valentine organized a protest in front of the FBI building in Washington, DC, under the name Waco Remembrance. One of the groups that promoted the event was Gun Owners of America (GOA promotional flyer).
This event was covered on the front page of the April 20, 1994 Washington Times, one of the major newspapers of the area (page 1, continued to page 11).
In May of 1994, Carol began planning the next year's event in the same location. On May 19, 1994, she obtained a permit from the Washington DC metropolitan police (faxed authorizing permit and fax cover sheet from DC police).
The April 19, 1995 event was called "A Day of Focus on US Government Domestic Terrorism." Carol invited a representative group of speakers from across the political spectrum. Two of the promotional fliers produced for the event can be seen at Promo 1 and Promo 2. Waco Remembrance also announced the event in The Washington Times.
April 19, 1995, of course, saw the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, and the joint attempt by government and news services to discredit all persons of conscience who protested the Waco Holocaust.
The organization and presentation of the 1995 event was disrupted by 1960s-style COINTELPRO attacks. The US government and news services orchestrated a massive campaign to position the Waco protesters as "domestic terrorists," and even suggested it was they who were responsible for the bombing. (Note the Orwellian co-opting of the term that was coined by Waco Remembrance to describe the government program).
As a result, Carol decided not to continue the street corner protest venue.
Thus was born the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum. It was established on the April 19, 1996, the third anniversary of the inferno of the Mt. Carmel Center.
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