Dumb Diagram of Mt. Carmel, Second Floor

This diagram of the second floor of the Mt. Carmel Center appears on p. 48 of the Treasury Report.

Compare this diagram with Smart Diagram of Mt. Carmel Center, Second Floor.  For explanation, see note on Dumb Diagram of Mt. Carmel Center, First Floor.

A similar Dumb Diagram in the Treasury Report shows the Third and Fourth Floors

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Many people who distrust the mainstream media have turned to alternate news sources, some of which are Internet based.  Unfortunately, many of these alternate sources of news simply promote an alternate series of lies.  These alternate lies are of course dressed up as "exposés."  But you can easily tell the phonies from the real thing.  The information in the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum is an acid test.

Remember, since ancient times, inquiries into questionable deaths have started with the bodies of the victims.  If your news source won't give you an honest and full account of the forensic information on Waco, or if it does not have a link to the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum … your alternate news has failed a fundamental acid test.