The 9 survivors: They also lost much in the flames

The New York Times News Service

Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1993, Section 1, pg. 20

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WACO, Texas They gave him their daughters and wives, ate only popcorn and nuts for days on end, and they parted with him only as the flames consumed their home on the Texas prairie.

Little else is known about the nine surviving members of the Branch Davidian sect.  But it's enough to begin peering into the rlationship between a band of followers and David Koresh, who they are certain was the Messiah.

On Monday, after the sprawling wooden compound was enculfed in flames, one woman with her clothes ablaze, resisted a rescuer and tried to re-enter the burning building.

Two of the four burn victims, including 30-year-old Marjorie Thomas, the woman who fought to rejoin the dying Davidians, are in critical condition at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. A third survivor with burns is also at Parkland, and the fourth is at a Waco hospital.

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