Glossary of Medical Terms |
Distal: Located further from the mid line of, or point of attachment to the trunk of the body, as in "the foot is distal to the knee." Opposite of proximal.
Disarticulated: Disarticulated body parts are those which have fallen off the body as a result of the decomposition of the connective tissue in the joints.
Evulsion: Evulsion occurs when a portion of a body is ripped off cleanly with a force driven in one direction. Evulsion is contrasted with the pattern of injuries that results from the explosion of a bomb, which is ripping, shredding and tearing.--Suffolk County Medical Examiner Charles Wetli, quoted in The Washington Times, July 20, 1996, pg. A4.
Necropsy: A postmortem examination.
Perimortem: Occurring at the time of death.
Postmortem: Occurring after death.
Proximal: Located closer to the mid line of, or point of attachment to the body; as in the "the elbow is proximal to the finger." Opposite of distal.
Putrefaction: Occurs as a result of bacterial activity throughout the body. Putrefaction is a much greater component of the decomposition process than autolysis, and it sweeps through the body like a silent fire … (Maples, pg. 38)
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